fotosynthesys Story

Every life on our planet owes itself to the sun and the plants. We are all about repaying that debt to the few amongst us who sustain all of us โ€“ the farmers. We offer them the light of knowledge, unshaded and unfiltered. We aim at offering maximum yield through sustainable farming methods for the best returns ever. We are the new revolution that is unfurling right before your eyes. Welcome to FOTOSYNTHESYS AGROVISION.

"Founded on Experience, Driven by Passion: The Story of FOTOSYNTHESYS ๐ŸŒฟ

With over two decades of rich experience in the realms of ATL, BTL, and TTL marketing, our leader, Amit Kr. Kundu, embarked on a journey to fill a void in the brand communication landscape of Eastern India. Drawing from his expertise and fueled by a passion for making meaningful connections, he established Inkyideas, a reputed brand communications company, over fifteen years ago.

Specializing in Below the Line (BTL) communications, Inkyideas made a significant impact on the lives of people by directly delivering goods to targeted audiences. In a world where time is of the essence, BTL communication thrived on connecting directly with the audience, much like the feeling of someone reaching out to us personally โ€“ it made each interaction special.

However, Amit Kr. Kundu identified a vacant space in the Eastern India region for a brand communication powerhouse. Leveraging his strong networking skills and deep industry insights, he founded FOTOSYNTHESYS.

At FOTOSYNTHESYS, we're not just a company; we're a testament to experience, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. With a focus on connecting directly with audiences and making every interaction special, we're here to redefine brand communication in Eastern India.

Join us on our journey as we continue to craft compelling narratives, forge meaningful connections, and make a lasting impact in the world of brand communication. Welcome to FOTOSYNTHESYS โ€“ where experience meets innovation, and every interaction is special."

fotosynthesys Mission

"Empowering Brands, Connecting Hearts: Our Mission at FOTOSYNTHESYS ๐ŸŒฟ

At FOTOSYNTHESYS, we're on a mission to revolutionize brand communication. Our goal is simple yet profound: to empower brands to reach their full potential while forging meaningful connections with their audience.

Through a blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking, we strive to unlock the essence of each brand we work with. We believe that every brand has a unique story to tell, and it's our mission to help them share it with the world in a compelling and authentic way.

But our mission goes beyond just delivering results. We're dedicated to making a positive impact on the world around us, whether it's through sustainable practices, community engagement, or supporting causes that matter.

Join us on our mission to empower brands, connect hearts, and inspire change. Together, we can create a brighter, more meaningful future for brands and communities alike."

Why choose fotosynthesys?

"Unlock Your Brand's Potential with FOTOSYNTHESYS: Your Eastern India Connection Specialists ๐ŸŒฑ

Looking to make a substantial difference to your brand's fortunes in Eastern India? Look no further than FOTOSYNTHESYS. We specialize in chasing enormous-difference-making-ideas, fueled by insight, technology, and unexpectism.

Our focus on talkworthy ideas ensures that your brand creates waves in the market, garnering greater value and impact for lesser spends. With a collaborative approach that breaks silos of traditional advertising, PR, media, and digital, we're here to create and deliver the worldโ€™s most compelling commercial content across all mediums and screens.

Just like Birbal to Emperor Akbar, we at FOTOSYNTHESYS are here to be your strategic problem-solving partners. Our proprietary approach, 'How Things Are', allows us to thoroughly immerse ourselves in your brand's challenges, providing inspiring solutions that span communications, technology, service design, and beyond.

At FOTOSYNTHESYS, we're not just creatively led and strategically driven; we're execution obsessed. We ensure that every idea is executed with passion, diligence, and finesse, delivering results on time, in full, and within budget.

So why choose FOTOSYNTHESYS for your brand communication needs in Eastern India? Because we're not just culturally symbiotic; we're your Eastern India connection specialists, ready to unlock your brand's potential and make a lasting impact in the market. Contact us today and let's create something extraordinary together!"

Meet the gardeners of the brand ecosystem.


but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaif Letraset shee


but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaif Letraset shee


but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaif Letraset shee